What will Somalia say? “One Young World” Summit 2010

Posted on Jan 20 2010 - 6:47pm by News Desk
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omar badiyowBy – Omar Badiyow — I have been given the honor to represent my native country Somalia on the international level as a youth delegate. It all began when I randomly came across an ad for the first ever international youth summit called “One Young World” taking place in London, UK on Feb. 8-11, 2010. It promised an opportunity for young leaders around the world to have a chance in being heard and to address global issues. Instantly, I decided that I had to be part of this summit. However, I realized I had to meet certain criteria. The first, which was the easiest and which I met, was that I had to be younger than 25 years of age.

Second was to get enough votes to show that I was actually a youth leaders and involved in the community, hence known by many people resulting in many votes. Third was to secure 3000 euros for different expenses involved in the conference.

Looking at the number of friends I had on my FaceBook page, I realized the second criteria would also be easy to reach.  So for almost 10 hours, I had campaigned online for people to vote for me and just before I went to sleep that morning, I was ranked top 4 candidates in the whole conference.

When I woke up and opened my email, I was notified that I was late for registering for the conference. However, due to the large number of people who voted for me which exceeded 300, they decided to make an exception. Second criteria : check.

Now, I started contemplating on how I would be able to get 3000 euros in less than a week! The only thought running through my mind was that Allah would help me in this cause if He wanted me to go. Two days later, I got another email from the organizing committee informing me that I was selected from hundreds of applicants to get full sponsorship! Indeed, it is only by the will of Allah that we succeed.

One Young World is a global initiative, aiming to bring together the best and brightest of the next generation to discuss the most critical and compelling issues of our times. One Young World will give young people a place to engage and have their voices heard about their future.

The entire Summit will be live-streamed to the internet, and various segments will be carried on the websites of BBC Worldwide and CNN. In the end of the summit, a resolution will adopted and will be distributed internationally to global institutions such as the UN, The World Economic Forum, TED, etc. Among those attending the summit include prominent members of the international celebrates such as Kofi Annan, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Bob Geldof, Nick Haysom – UN Director of Political affairs and many others.

As a youth delegate representing Somalia, I will be addressing issues about Somalia in front of an audience of 1500 youth delegates and prominent world leaders. Since I represent you, I am writing this article today in order to receive some advice and suggestions on what I should present and share with the world on the subject of Somalia and its global implication. I want to know what are your thoughts and priorities related to the current and future situation of Somalia.

One of my goals in life is to participate and play a pivotal role in the reconstruction of Somalia and I feel this is a start in aiding our country. I hope one day that our dreams for peace in Somalia will be a reality and that I be part of those bringing forth HOPE.

So let me represent Somalia as you would want me to represent. Your voice is needed now.
Contact me at [email protected]. I’ll be waiting inshallah.

The “One Young World” summit website:

For information about my profile as delegate:

You can contact me at: [email protected]