Revealed: The Saudi Princess who boasted of dating film stars, models and former Premier League footballer at centre of sensational court case

Posted on Jul 20 2010 - 2:10am by News Desk
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amoudiTaking the witness stand at Southwark Crown Court last week, Sara Al Amoudi spoke softly from behind a black veil.

In fact, as befitting a Saudi Arabian princess, she was covered from head to toe with only her eyes visible.

Her demeanour was greatly at odds with the disputed case before the jury: an un-Islamic affair involving her former Swedish male-model lover, cocaine, Ketamine, champagne, London nightclubs, and, at the centre of it all, a bloody fracas in her luxury flat.
Cover-up girl: Patrick and Sara on a rare occasion when she wore a burka.

For Patrick Ribbsaeter – the lover in question who sat in the dock listening to her give evidence – it was one of the few times he had seen her dressed in a burka.

Cleared after a two-week trial of assaulting her chauffeur, Mr Ribbsaeter, 30, tells today of the first time he set eyes on 28-year-old Miss Al Amoudi – in her room at The Conrad Hotel in Bangkok in May last year when she demonstrated considerably less sartorial restraint.

She was introduced to him wearing a revealing corset and designer jeans. Instantly bewitched by ‘this really beautiful woman’, he recalls being struck by what he describes as her close resemblance to the Colombian pop singer Shakira.

They became lovers that first night, beginning a destructive five-month relationship that was, he claims, defined by ‘hard partying’.

‘She didn’t wear the burka as a rule,’ he said. ‘She wore designer clothes. Though once or twice in my presence she was completely covered up – the first time I visited her flat in London, for example.

‘It was a black burka and it had the Chanel logo on the back of it in crystals.’

Last week’s criminal case also shone unwelcome light on the lifestyle of a woman who claims to be a princess, yet had an illegitimate child after separating from her husband. She guards her privacy scrupulously – yet is the focus of much rumour and speculation in London’s Arab community.

So just who is this fast-living, apparently fabulously wealthy princess, who, according to Mr Ribbsaeter, shuttles around London in a Rolls-Royce Phantom VI, counts Kate Moss as one of her friends and has boasted of dating, among others, a former Premier League footballer and two film stars?

One might expect Mr Ribbsaeter to fill in some of the many blanks. After all, no one so close has ever come forward before to talk publicly about her background. In some ways he does do this, but at the same time his testimony serves only to stir the pot of intrigue.

The couple first met when Mr Ribbsaeter was invited to her Bangkok hotel room by a male friend, whom Miss Al Amoudi had met in a bar.

‘My friend said she wanted to party and when we got to the room she was on her own, drinking champagne and quite drunk,’ said Mr Ribbsaeter.

‘She told me of her many problems, of people who tried to rob her – business associates, people who hang around her.’

At the time of their first encounter, Mr Ribbsaeter, originally from Gothenburg, had been living and working in Thailand for two years. He said Miss Al Amoudi readily divulged details of her life, but in a sketchy way, and, because he did not ever meet any members of her family beyond her young daughter, was able to confirm very little of what she said.

‘We were in bed one night and she told me she was the daughter of Osama Bin Laden,’ he said.

‘She spoke highly of him, said he was a nice man, but she said she had no contact with him. I didn’t know what to believe.’

After giving birth to her daughter, she was ‘secretly helped by her mother’.

Mr Ribbsaeter added: ‘Well, her mother sent her boyfriend £1 million to look after her. But she said he took the money and ran off.’

For some reason – Mr Ribbsaeter is not sure why – she was then left to fend for herself, and lived on the streets for six months. ‘She used to say to me that she knew all the bus stops around London through sleeping rough.’

Whether there was then some form of family rapprochment is not clear, but in the past few years she appears to have grown fabulously rich.

Again Mr Ribbsaeter is unclear how this transformation in fortunes came about, although from what he observed during their time together, it was her brothers – whom he describes as hugely wealthy – along with her mother, who exerted control over her finances.

Once he said, when they were together in Bangkok, her family blocked her credit cards to force her to return to London.

‘I don’t think they wanted her to be with me,’ said Mr Ribbsaeter.

Miss Al Amoudi also hinted darkly at what Mr Ribbsaeter would later refer to during his trial as her ‘dangerous life’.

He speaks of a ‘paranoia’ she experienced about living in London and said she would escape to Thailand ‘so that she could be herself, and live a little’.

‘She was funny about people knowing who she was and each time she went to a party in London, she would wear a different wig.’

Even if he harbours doubts about her link to the world’s most wanted man, Mr Ribbsaeter believes most of what she told him. However, there are many who doubt that she really is a princess.

After the trial ended on Friday, George Salem, lawyer for Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi – who it has been suggested is her real father – contacted The Mail on Sunday.

He also rang Mr Ribbsaeter’s defence counsel to say the same thing.
Sheikh Al Amoudi, he explained, was most certainly not the father of the woman caught up in the high-profile criminal case invoving a male model.

In reports which appeared in Ethiopia, and online, earlier this year he was directly linked to her, much to his displeasure.
Unmasked: Sara pictured without her veil, before her fling with Patrick Ribbsaeter ended in violence

The Mail on Sunday now understands that the Home Office is investigating Miss Al Amoudi’s background.

Mr Ribbsaeter said that Miss Al Amoudi visited him in Bangkok three times during their relationship, spending several weeks before he arranged to visit her in London.

‘She was drinking champagne every night. She had a lot of issues, she had a bad life. What she didn’t want to be was a princess, she wanted to be
normal,’ he said.

Her behaviour, though, was anything but. ‘She would have all these people in the hotel running around after her and she’d tip them very generously. She even had someone to read to her. She certainly had a lot of money, the best of everything.

‘Designer clothes – Gucci, Armani, Louis Vuitton bags – were strewn all over her bedroom floor, and she had loads of diamond jewellery and even a diamond-encrusted Vertu mobile phone worth around £50,000.

‘She could be very needy, ringing her friends up in the middle of the night. They’d tell her they were worried about her and call her “baby” but I think she loved the drama of running away to Bangkok.

‘When I first met her she had been dating and living with another model, an Australian guy called Cliff. She said she had bought him a Ferrari.

‘Once she got him on the phone to me and he accused me of stealing her. I said I didn’t know that he had been dating her.

‘Then she snatched the phone off me and told him that I was just a friend. It was crazy. I couldn’t understand why referred to me like that.’

She told Mr Ribbsaeter that she had also dated the former Arsenal midfielder Freddie Ljungberg and movie stars Colin Farrell and Joaquin Phoenix.

The truth of this is not immed­iately clear and none of their agents responded to calls from this news­paper last night.

A few weeks after their first encounter, Miss Al Amoudi rang Mr Ribbs­aeter on his mobile phone to tell him she couldn’t see him any more – only to call back 15 minutes later to say her brother made her do it.

Mr Ribbsaeter said: ‘She told me, “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry baby – I didn’t mean it, I love you”.’

The couple then arranged for Miss Al Amoudi to return to Thailand, but she failed to show up on the day spec­ified. When she did eventually arrive, Mr Ribbsaeter stood her up because he was so annoyed.

‘She told me that she was waiting for me in a hotel bar but when I didn’t show she got drunk with a guy she met and she gave him a watch, a platinum Rolex worth thousands, that was meant to be her present for me.

‘She had the female version of the watch and the one she bought was the male one.

She tried to get it back from this guy the next day but he had already checked out.’

Does he believe this story?  ‘Sure, she was very generous and doing something like this was typical of her.’

Even so, surely Mr Ribbsaeter had heard – and seen – enough to convince him that he would have been better off walking away at this point?

‘I was in love with her, she wanted to marry me and have children and I thought that I could change her. She was much better when she wasn’t partying she was a normal person.’

Perhaps. But it is perhaps also true that he wasn’t judging her behaviour in the way a ‘normal person’ would.

By his own admission Mr Ribbs­aeter used cocaine, and was, like his girlfriend, accustomed to a fast-paced life of celebrity parties – a life which, as he admits, can attract the vacuous and parasitical.

And then there is the accusation levelled at him in court that he was simply a ‘gold-digger’.

He said: ‘I wasn’t interested in her money, they kept suggesting that in court but it wasn’t true. It was gen­uine love.’

In September last year he arranged to stay for five days in London with Miss Al Amoudi en route to Sweden to see his family.
Sara Al_Amoudi

It was meant to be the precursor to a more committed relationship, although from the outset it proved disastrous.

‘I arrived at her flat in Victoria on a Thursday evening – that was when she was in her Chanel burka. We weren’t together for long because she had to go out. But she arranged to come back later when we were to go out for dinner.

‘In the meantime she said to invite some friends round. ‘

Mr Ribbsaeter called his friend, Julio, who arrived with two girls – with whom Miss Al Amoudi would later claim she caught her boyfriend doing ‘very very naughty things’.

He denies this, although he concedes that when Miss Al Amoudi did turn up, wearing an elegant dress, she was deeply annoyed by the girls’ presence.

Whatever the truth, the couple then went out to dinner at a Leb­anese restaurant, chauffeur driven  in the Rolls-Royce. They argued through the meal and the row continued back at the flat.

‘I wanted to go out and have some fun, with or without her, so I went off to a club, Mahiki, where I had a few drinks and a dance.

‘Sara called me, and I eventually went back at about 4am. She said I had better not bring any girls back. When I got there she was waiting outside the flat in the Rolls with the chauffeur. She wasn’t staying the night, she just wanted to make sure I came back alone. That was so weird’

The following night the couple went to the Victoria flat, with the chauffeur and three of his female friends, and later a gay friend of Miss Al Amoudi.

According to Mr Ribbsaeter what then ensued was was a drink and drugs marathon that went on uninterrupted for some 48 hours, until the violence that ended with his arrest.

Mr Ribbsaeter added: ‘We went out clubbing in the Rolls-Royce with the chauffeur. He phoned ahead to the security guys he knows at the Ministry of Sound to say: “I’m bringing a princess and her friends”.

‘When we got to the club they made a great fuss of us, although Sara had to be practically carried inside. They took us upstairs to the VVIP section and we ordered Dom Perignon.

‘We must have left at about 4am and from there went to a gay club and then back to the flat.’

‘We were waiting for the Costcutter super­market around the corner to open at 10am so we could buy more alcohol, which we eventually did.’

There are conflicting accounts of what happened next, although what is beyond doubt is that the chauffeur and Mr Ribbsaeter engaged in a bloody fight, started, says the model, when the driver asked him to leave after Miss Al Amoudi passed out on the sofa.

‘I think he was jealous of my rel­ationship with Sara and felt threatened by it. He was hostile towards me from the start.

‘He said that Sara didn’t want to see me any more, but that wasn’t true. I was trying to wake her up to ask her, but he came at me and pushed me in the face, making my nose bleed.’

The two men then fought for several minutes, both sustaining cuts from broken glass.
Miss Al Amoudi, wakened by the sound of fighting, tried to separate them, but suffered a cut to her hand. As the judge acknowledged last week, no one emerged from this tawdry saga with much credit, not even the acquitted man.

He told him: ‘If you really wish to pursue a worthwhile career in life, I think you should seriously examine the way you have been behaving in recent times, or you may find your way back to the dock.’

Meanwhile, Miss Al Amoudi’s solicitor said she was flying out of Britain for a break at an undisclosed location.

‘I think we have not heard the last of her,’ said Mr Ribbsaeter.

‘But who knows what the truth is about this strange woman.’


Daily Mail