Police say shooting was not a xenophobic attack.

Posted on Jul 11 2010 - 8:23am by News Desk
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police shouthBartamaha (Nairobi):- Police on Saturday said the latest incident involving three foreign nationals who were shot in Nyanga was not a xenophobic attack.

One Somali man was shot and killed and two others seriously wounded after they were hijacked.
Police said the trio was en route to Phillipi, when three gunmen cornered them at an intersection. The suspects then forced the Somalis to drive to another spot, before opening fire.
The police’s Frederick van Wyk said authorities do not believe this may have been a hate crime.

“Police are investigating a case of murder, attempted murder and hijacking. This is regarded as a crime incident and cannot be attributed as violence against certain foreign nationals,” said van Wyk.

Meanwhile, the Somalis Traders Association has accused police of not taking threats of xenophobic violence seriously. The organisation was reacting to the shooting incident.

Spokesperson Abdi Aden said authorities must enforce the letter of the law more vigorously.

“We have reported many incidents which have been taking place but we have not heard of any arrests,” saidAden.
