Exclusive: Who Is Smuggling Somali Aliens Into the U.S. – And Why?

Posted on Feb 25 2010 - 10:03am by sayfudiin Abdalle
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Bartamaha (Columbus):- I was recently sent an alarming article entitled “Va. man accused of helping smuggle Somalis into U.S.” It details how a 35-year-old man, Anthony Joseph Tracy, facilitated the illegal entry of some 270 aliens who are citizens of Somalia. Somalia is a country that has become associated with terrorist activities, including piracy on the high seas. In the jargon of our government, Somalia is a country of “Special Interest” because of its established relationship with terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda and Al-Shabaab.

According to the report, some of the 270 Somali nationals who were aided in entering our country by Mr. Tracy have fanned out across our nation and are now believed to be hiding in plain sight in a variety of states including New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Minnesota and Arizona.

Our nation’s very survival is being threatened by transnational criminal organizations and international terrorist groups. In order to attack our nation, the terrorists need to be able to enter our country and then embed themselves in communities around the United States while they wait their call to action.

There are many people and organizations who are “out there” making all sorts of ridiculous assertions about immigration and related areas of concern because their agenda is to open our nation’s borders and create a massive amnesty program for millions of illegal aliens whose true identities, backgrounds, intentions and possible affiliation with criminal or terrorist organizations are unknown and unknowable.

These individuals and the organizations they share this agenda with are determined to have their way, regardless of the cost.

Often, when all else fails, these open borders advocates spew accusations and frankly, lies, accusing those of us who want our borders secured against illegal entry and the immigration system by which aliens are granted a variety of benefits including resident alien status and United States citizenship to have real integrity, of being hate mongers, racists, nativists, etc.

Yes, aliens who evade the inspections process may be simply determined to seek illegal employment – a problem of concern to our nation in and of itself, especially given the soaring unemployment rate for United States citizens and resident aliens – but not all illegal aliens simply seek illegal employment. Other illegal aliens may be fugitives from justice in their own or other countries for having committed serious crimes. Additionally, other illegal aliens may well be intent on entering our nation to carry out crimes in conjunction with transnational gangs such as the drug cartels, or may be involved in committing acts of terrorism in our country.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to know exactly what motivates illegal aliens to circumvent the inspections process. This is why we must remain vigilant.

Much has been made of the Mexican border and our nation’s efforts to construct a fence on the border. It has cost us over a billion dollars to date and a still eludes a successful conclusion. Yet there is virtually no real discussion about the abject failure to secure the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

When ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) personnel arrest a relative handful of illegal aliens whose presence in our country represents a violation of law, the open borders advocates yell at the top of their lungs that our government is creating a “Climate of Fear!” In addition, we are told by some of our elected officials that it is “un-American” to arrest illegal aliens.

It is a truly rare event when illegal aliens are arrested and removed from our nation. The illegal aliens play a game of “Hide and Seek,” and they have a distinct advantage over the beleaguered special agents of ICE simply because the agents are outnumbered. At present, there are an estimated 6,000 special agents employed by ICE to enforce the immigration laws for the entire United States of America. Those special agents are also engaged in enforcing Customs laws which have absolutely nothing to do with immigration. Customs laws are concerned with the movement of currency and objects across international borders and to collect duties and tariffs. Immigration laws focus on the movement of people across our nation’s borders and the ways in which they can acquire lawful immigrant status and even United States citizenship.

Further hobbling efforts to enforce the immigration laws is the simple fact that the vast majority of managers at ICE did not come from the former INS but rather came from what had been U.S. Customs. As a number of the current employees of ICE have told me, their bosses are far more concerned with apprehending those who produce counterfeit Gucci handbags than counterfeit passports and identity documents.

With a lack of resources to seek out these illegal aliens who may be intent on attacking our nation, my fear is that our citizens are at risk from these individuals and many others just like them who are, at present, hiding in plain sight in many cities across our nation. What is particularly worrisome about this group of illegal aliens from Somalia is the relative sophistication in the way that they traveled around the globe to make their way here, spending what was estimated, in the article, to be some $30,000.

$30,000 is a significant sum of money for the average American. For an alien from Somalia, this amount of money is stratospheric. It would be hard to imagine that someone who simply seeks to work illegally in a menial job would be able to put that sort of money together or that it would be financially sensible to do so. The question is, “Who paid for the travel expenses for these illegal aliens and why?”

Furthermore, it is important to remember that not long ago the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies talked about how young men who had immigrated to the United States had returned to Somalia for apparent training and participation in terrorist attacks in the Middle East.

We have also seen a number of recent instances of aliens who sought to conduct terrorist attacks in our country. Clearly, the “All Clear” has not sounded and so I am forced to ask, “Where are these Somali nationals and what are they doing?”

I hope that we don’t find out the answers to these questions the hard way.
FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Michael Cutler is a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies and a recognized authority who addresses the implications of immigration on national security and criminal justice. Feedback:[email protected]