Turkish aid brings light to Somalis

Posted on Feb 26 2010 - 3:42pm by sayfudiin Abdalle
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Bartamaha (Nairobi):- Turkey’s IHH said its health teams of doctors performed cataract operations on 929 more people in Somalia.

Turkey’s IHH said its health teams of doctors performed cataract operations on 929 more people in Somalia, increasing the total number of those who can see the light after aid in the whole African continent has reached 34 thousand 749 after aid.

Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) said in a statement sent to World Bulletin, “it continues to perform cataract operations in different countries of Africa.”

“929 people in Somalia’s Hargesa area got operations and now can see the light,” the IHH statement said.

“The total number of people in Somalia reached 6 thousands 851, while the number in the whole African continent has reached 34 thousand 749,” the relief group said.


Many young people lose sight due to cataract because of weather conditions, economic deficiencies and insufficient number of eye doctors. People, especially in rural areas, condemned to lives in the dark without a surgery. About 5 million people in Africa lose eyesight due to this disease, although they could be brought out of dark with a simple operation.

Starting cataract operations in African countries 3 years ago, the Turkish aid brings light to Somalis

Turkey’s IHH said its teams of doctors performed cataract operations on 929 more people in Somalia, increasing the total number of those who can see the light after aid in the whole African continent has reached 34 thousand 749 after aid.

Target 100 thousand”

Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) said in a statement sent to World Bulletin, “it continues to perform cataract operations in different countries of Africa.”

Source: worldbulletin