Sudan Fines Woman Who Wore Pants

Posted on Sep 7 2009 - 4:36pm by News Desk
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Lubna HusseinA Sudanese court convicted journalist Lubna Ahmed Al Hussein of indecency for wearing pants in public, ordering her to pay a $200 fine, but sparing her a sentence of receiving 40 lashes.

Hussein was one of 13 women arrested in Khartoum on July 3, for wearing pants, a violation of the country’s strict sharia law. Ten of the women paid the fine and were flogged shortly after the arrest, but Hussein and the other women decided to plead not guilty.

The charge and subsequent possible sentence of 40 lashes has caused a public outcry. Human rights group Amnesty International calls flogging laws “barbaric.” United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has said flogging is “against the human rights standards,” and said that the organization would protect Hussein, who was working in the United Nations Sudan mission.


Source: ABC News