Somali gunmen attack Kenyan border town

Posted on Apr 17 2010 - 9:53am by sayfudiin Abdalle
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Bartamaha (Nairobi):- Suspected members of Somalia’s Al-Shabaab militias have for the second time this month raided Kenya’s border town of Liboi.

The heavily armed gunmen barricaded and attacked several positions within the remote settlement, some 18km from Somalia’s porous-ragged border, witnesses told Saturday Nation.

Northeastern provincial commissioner James ole Serian could not be reached for comment. The gunmen stormed two local hotels and a number of business premises during a two-hour raid.

Several shots

According to residents, the gunmen were not confronted by the Kenyan forces who were reportedly manning the border at the time.

“It was shortly after 1am when the gunmen raided our town, they have attacked several places, including Ali-arif and Abdi-adoon hotels,” a witness told us on phone from Liboi Town.

“They have fired several shots; however, there were no casualties and there was destruction of property,” he added. The gunmen left behind a bomb and ammunition.

Early this month, Al-Shabaab fighters attacked a contingent of General Service Unit near the Kenya-Somalia border. Kenya has thousands of troops on the border.

Source:- Daily Mail