Suppport Judge Dorrian for her Superb public Service!

Posted on Jul 21 2010 - 2:34am by News Desk
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Dear Colleagues

I am writing to you today to express my support for the candidacy of my good friend Judge Julia Dorrian who is running for Franklin County court of Appeals. While many elected officials in central Ohio were showing “Why are you here? attitude” towards our Somali Community members here in the past 10 years or so, Hon. Judge Julia Dorrian was the first one to engage our community by extending all the available assitance and accomodations to our community. She was the only judge out of nearly hundred judges and magistrates in central Ohio to introduce legal forms, notices, and waivers in Somali language for her court-room. This was back in 2004 and they can still be found at

I Support judge Dorrian because I’ve worked with her for 7 years and on many different assignments and social engagements. She understands our community. She is fair, balanced and unbiased. she is bilingual and understands cultural differences. And unlike that judge – do you remember? – the one who sentenced Mr. Samatar for 10 years for chewing Khat in 2001, she reflects and values all the facts without preconceptions. She is the best to serve for our different communities as a judge for Franklin County court Appeals.

This position may affect our Ohio community more than the Ohio governership does and that is why it is so important that we pay special attention and interest in the local judicial and legislative races; therefore I would like to ask you my friends to support her cadidacy, to vote for her in November, and to endorse her in your respective and respected news papers and online news outlets such as Gedonet, Somalink, Fridaybulletin, bartamaha, hiiraan and gedoonline.

Please join me to help Julia Dorrian promote her to the next level – for the Franklin County court of Appeals,

In the attachments, please find couple informational fliers for her campaign to use it for publications and web/blog postings or to use it for endorsements.

For more information please visit

With the kindest regards,

Abdikhayr Soofe


From Judge Julia L. Dorian’s Website:

I am Judge Julia L. Dorrian.  For the past six years it has been my privilege to serve on the Franklin County Municipal Court.  Now it is my honor to seek election to serve on the Franklin County Court of Appeals.

The Municipal Court is often referred to as The People’s Court.  It is one of two trial level courts in Franklin County and often is the first and only interaction a party has with a court.  It is the front line of justice.  The Court of Appeals is the next level.  Parties seek redress in the Court of Appeals when they feel justice is denied at the trial level.  It is a court of “last resort” for many.

I am ever mindful that the decisions I make as a Judge affect people in very personal ways – whether I am setting bond, discerning the truth of what happened, deciding legal issues and/or imposing a sentence.  My decisions affect not only plaintiffs and defendants, but also victims, family members, and every member of our community. This is an awesome responsibility and one that I take very seriously.

You have elected me now twice to the Franklin County Municipal Court.  If you elect me to the Court of Appeals, I commit to continue my responsibilities very seriously and to ensure that every person who comes before the court is treated fairly and that legal issues are decided with respect for the law.  I am ready now to move from the front line to the next level, and I ask for your continued confidence in my service.

Thank you once again for your interest in my campaign.  I ask for your vote on November 2, 2010.


Julia L. Dorrian

Judge, Franklin County Municipal Court

Candidate for Judge, Franklin County Court of Appeals (10th District)

If you would like to volunteer for Judge Dorrian’s campaign for the Court of Appeals, please let us know. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the following:
§    Place a yard sign in your yard
§    Walk in parades
§    Distribute campaign literature door-to-door
§    Attend festivals/community events
§    Host a house party
§    Send e-mail/snail mail to friends to introduce them to Judge Dorrian
Please contact Judge Dorrian at [email protected] to let us know of your interest in

volunteering. We are grateful for your support!


Judge Dorrian has received the endorsement/support of the following organizations:
·    Outlook Magazine – Endorsement
·    AFL-CIO Central Ohio Labor Council – Endorsement
·    AFSCME Ohio Council 8 – Endorsement
·    AFSCME Retiree Chapter 1184 – Endorsement
·    Baptist Ministerial Alliance, the Baptist Pastors’ Conference and the Interdenominational
·    Ministerial Alliance – Personal and Dedicated Support
§    Ohio Coalition of Concerned Black Citizens – Highly Recommended rating
§    Franklin County Democratic Party – Endorsement


If you would like to volunteer for Judge Dorrian’s campaign for the Court of Appeals, please let us know. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the following:

  • Place a yard sign in your yard
  • Walk in parades
  • Distribute campaign literature door-to-door
  • Attend festivals/community events
  • Host a house party
  • Send e-mail/snail mail to friends to introduce them to Judge Dorrian

Please contact Judge Dorrian at to let us know of your interest in volunteering. We are grateful for your support!


Judge Dorrian has received the endorsement/support of the following organizations:

· Outlook Magazine – Endorsement

· AFL-CIO Central Ohio Labor Council – Endorsement

· AFSCME Ohio Council 8 – Endorsement

· AFSCME Retiree Chapter 1184 – Endorsement

· Baptist Ministerial Alliance, the Baptist Pastors’ Conference and the Interdenominational

· Ministerial Alliance – Personal and Dedicated Support

  • Ohio Coalition of Concerned Black Citizens – Highly Recommended rating
  • Franklin County Democratic Party – Endorsement