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Windows Phone 7 Series Released: PICTURES Of Microsoft’s New Phone

ms 1Microsoft officially unveiled its new Windows Phone 7 Series at the Mobile World Congress 2010.

See photos of the new Windows Phone 7 Series in the slideshow below.

Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore introduced the new phone and said that the company’s goal was to create ‘a modern phone that fits people’s complex lives.’ Belfiore added, ‘First, we want a smart design that puts the user at the center of the experience. Second, we wanted to design integrated experiences.’

Early reviews of the Windows Phone 7 Series emphasize how different it is from past iterations of Windows Mobile.

Engadget writes, ‘This really is a completely new OS—and not just Microsoft’s new OS, it’s a new smartphone OS, like webOS new, like iPhone OS new. You haven’t used an interface like this before.’

Gizmodo is also excited about the new Windows Phone. ‘Windows Phone 7 Series is more than the Microsoft smartphone we’ve been waiting for. Everything’s different now.’



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