
UNHCR expresses concern over displacement of Somalis

NAIROBI, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) — The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) on Tuesday expressed concern over the escalating violence in Somalia, saying the widening strife in the lawless nation is having a devastating effect on the civilian population and sparking increased displacement.

In a statement, UNHCR said over 150 people were killed or injured and some 7,000 people displaced in the latest clashes between two rival militia groups, Al Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jaama, in Dhusamareb in Galgaduud region of Central Somalia which begun last week.

“Sketchy reports indicate that the displacement figure might be higher. Local NGO partners have told UNHCR that the IDPs (the internally displaced persons) have fled to some 16 villages around Dhusamareb,” the UN agency said.

According to UNHCR, most of them are reported to be living under trees and many children have been fallen ill as a result of the cold nights.

Fearing renewed fighting, the IDPs said they have no intention of returning to their homes until the situation stabilizes, it said.

Meanwhile, UNHCR said the number of Somalis streaming into the neighboring countries has also increased.

“Some 3,000 Somalis were registered as refugees in Ethiopia in December alone. The estimated rate of new arrivals has gone up from 100 to 150 a day,” the UN agency said.

The Bokolmanyo refugee camp in south-eastern Ethiopia, which was established only nine months ago now hosts over 22,000 Somali refugees, and is already full to capacity.

“We have registered some 4,000 new refugees at the Dolo Ado transit centre on the Ethiopia-Somalia border, pending their relocation to a second camp that UNHCR is developing to respond to the growing influx from Somalia.”

In Kenya, UNHCR said it has registered 4,175 Somalis as refugees in the Dadaab refugee complex since December.

More than 110,000 Somalis sought asylum in Kenya (55,000), Yemen (32,000), Ethiopia (22,000) and Djibouti (3,000) in 2009, bringing the total number of Somali refugees in the region to over560,000.

“As the security situation does not allow UNHCR’s immediate intervention, we are in discussions with our local NGO partners to

find ways of delivering assistance to the people displaced by the latest fighting in the quickest time possible,” it said.

Many parts of central Somalia are experiencing an upsurge in fighting, including parts of the capital Mogadishu and Beled Weyne, the regional capital of Hiraan region.

Due to the continued conflict, the civilian population is extremely vulnerable as services and livelihood have been badly interrupted and are increasingly limited.

Aid agencies fear that the growing insecurity, the drought and the suspension of food aid in south central regions could deepen Somalia’s humanitarian crisis and trigger large-scale influx into the neighboring and nearby countries.





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