The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s chief veterinary who will be exporting livestock to Arab country, among them is Somalia.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s chief veterinary officer, Dr. Khalid al-Fathead today announced 12 countries as the only ones who will be exporting livestock to Arab country, among them is Somalia. Somalia has being permitted to bring cattle, sheep, goats, and camels to the kingdom after their animals were found to be healthy.
Dr. Khalid revealed that Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, China, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand and Australia were allowed to export goats whereas Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Pakistan and Djibouti were given the node to bring camels.
Similarly Somalia, Sudan, China, Uruguay, Argentina, New Zealand and Australia will be the only ones with permission to bring cattle to the Saudi Kingdom.
Somalia is already one of the biggest livestock exporters to the Middle East and every year, exports exceed millions of livestock.