
Somali Media Peace & Developments (SOMPED)


Bartamaha (Columbus):- The Somali Media and Peace Developments (SOMPED) strongly condemns illegal arrest of Ali Yusuf Aden, Somali local reporter in Wanla-weyn district of Lower Shabelle region on Sunday 21st Februray 2010.
Ali Yusuf Aden was a private reporter for Somaliweyn radio based in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.
The arrest of Ali Yusuf Aden is still unclear, but local residents and media group believe his arrest is tied with a report which Somaliweyn radio has broadcasted on Sunday.
“We can not justify what the arrest of Ali Yusuf Aden in linked to, but what we know is that his arrest came shortly after we released a news event about an old man who was killed by the Al Shabab militia in the town, the man was aacused of being late from the prayer”, one of Somaliweyn radio reporters told RBC Radio in a condition of anonymity.
Aburkar Hassan Kabar, Somaliweyn radio director in Mogadishu has said they are concerned about the detaintion of the journalist, while his family did not obtain a full details about his situation and where he is really detained.
Farah Ahmed Atto, the chairman of SOMPED told that there is no any report of where the reporter was detained.
“We are strongly codemning the arrest of Ali Yusuf Aden and we demand for his immediate release”, said SOMPED Chairman Farah Ahmed Atto. “This is a kind of harrasment that shows how dangerous the situation is for journalists in the country”, he added.
The chairman of SOMPED describes the arrest as a kind of pressure and silence to the local media in Somalia.
The Al Shabab officials in Wanla-weyn did not want to comment on the arrest of the journalist.
Al Shabab group, which is battling against the Somali government had forced journalists to stop reporting about their activities while banning local radio stations broadcasting music and songs which the group describes as illegal.
At least five radio stations in the south central Somalia had been forced to be off air since last four months.
Somali Media Peace & Developments (SOMPED)

For More information contact SOMPED Chairman Farah Amed Atto at 00614 733-9396.

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About sayfudiin Abdalle

Am A Somali Journalist current live and study in Malaysia Southeast Asia.
Category : Featured, Latest Somali News, The Story.
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