Piracy…poem by Ayanle Daad
Off our coast, they dump toxic waste
that’s why in our food, we can taste
the after taste, of chemical waste
there is a long and bloody legacy
where they take and show no mercy
we can see the inconsistency
when they hide behind democracy
so we turn to piracy
and lose legitimacy
their actions no one can deter
for them to stop, we prefer
This responsibility, we cannot transfer
to the U.N. we cannot always defer
This is colonialism but in 2009
If you don’t agree with me
Ask the billions around the world who see
What does it mean to see freedom, but not be free?
What does it mean to hear about freedom but not be free?
What does it mean to pray for freedom, but never be free?
  Ayanle Daad
Copyright ©2009 Ayanle Daad
Contact at
Category : Gabayada [ POETRY ].