
Over 2.4 million voters registered in Somali regional state


Bartamaha (Nairobi):- More than 2.4 million electorates have been registered to cast votes in the forthcoming national elections in Somali regional state, regional branch office of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia said.

Office head, Mohamoud Habib told ENA on Monday that the stated number of voters were registered in 2712 polling stations since March 19-April 08,2010. Mohamoud said about 110,000 of the stated number of voters are females. He said four political parties contesting in the region have fielded 29 nominees, who will run for parliamentary seats and 199 others, who will compete for seats in regional councils. In addition two independent nominees have registered to compete for parliamentary seats. Three of the political parties have also delegated nearly 39,000 nominees for seats in woreda and locality councils and the Jijjiga town administration council.
Some 7813 of the nominees are females.
Source:- (ENA)



About sayfudiin Abdalle

Am A Somali Journalist current live and study in Malaysia Southeast Asia.
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