Why Islamism Is Winning

EGYPT’S final round of parliamentary elections won’t end until next week, but the outcome is becoming clear. The Muslim Brotherhood will most likely win half the lower house of Parliament, and more extreme Islamists will occupy a quarter. Secular parties will be left with just 25 percent of the seats. Islamism did not cause the Arab Spring. The More...

Man Reportedly Beheaded In Brutal Assault In London Neighborhood (WARNING: DISTURBING FOOTAGE)
A man was reportedly killed in an attack with a knife and a meat cleaver in London’s Woolwich neighbourhood on Wednesday. In a statement, London’s Metropolitan police commander Simon Letchford said that More...

Bandhig Dhaqameed Lagu soo bandhigaye Hidaha Iyo Dhaqanka Soomaalida Oo Lagu Qabtay Nairobi
Xaflad Balaaran oo lagu soo bandhigayay hidihii iyo dhaqankii soo jireenka ahaa ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa xalay lagu qabtay hotelka Liaco Regecny ee magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya. Xafladan oo si heersare ah loo soo More...