
Al-Shabab Presents TFG Officer, Weapon in Mogadishu

mogadishu-map-300x225Harakat Al-shabab mujahideen officials have Monday displayed an officer from the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and more weapons in the Somali capital Mogadishu.

Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage (Sh. Ali Dere), the spokesman of Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen who was present at Gulwadayasha building, the area where both the officier and weapon formally displayed today said that more than 50 soldier from the transitional government from their military positions joined them adding that they had welcomed them greatly and dealt with them with good manner.

The spokesman said the performed officer was called Bashi Ahmed who he said that he was member of the former national forces of Somali government in the are of ousted president Mohamed Siad Barre, but was current serving as transitional federal government officer in the capital.

He said that he was one of the troops in Na’na’a factory, a base for the transitional government of Somalia in south of Mogadishu.

Bashi Ahmed who also talked to the journalists said that he was trained in Djibouti adding that the authorities of the transitional government did not give any rights to its troops asserting that he decided to leave his colleague and joined to Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen.

Sheik Ali Mohamuded Rage said that Mr. Ahmed understood more about the decisive actions of the TFG calling for the others soldiers to leave from the government and join them pointing out that the government and AMISOM were those who often plan to deceive the Somalia people.

The officials also displayed 50 AK-47, mostly automatic hand guns used saying that 50 other government troops from the transitional government with the weapon had joined the Islamist fighters of Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen urging the fighters to redouble their fighting against the allied troops of the government and AMSIOM stressing that they would once be out of the country.


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