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Ugandan President Urges Unity Against Somali Militants.

Yoweri MusevenBartamaha (Nairobi):- African Union leaders began a summit Sunday that will discuss the dispatch of more soldiers to Somalia to stop Somali insurgents from winning power and spreading their attacks to the region.

The fight against Somali militant group al-Shabaab must be stepped up, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni told an African Union (AU) summit in Kampala.

In his opening speech, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni advised the assembly to “Let us now act in concert and we’ll sweep AL-Qaeda from Africa. Let them go back to Asia and the Middle East where I understand some of them come from.”

Museveni said the attacks on Amisom, the AU peacekeeping mission there, was an attack on the flag and authority of the AU.

“As you know, I have a long experience in warfare. However, I have great contempt for the authors of terrorism who attack children and unarmed civilians. I am glad that the whole of Africa has condemned them. Let us shoot them out of Africa,” Museveni said.

Uganda and Burundi are the only countries that have contributed troops to the African Union peacekeeping mission in war-torn Somalia.

Guinea is ready to send troops to boost the current 6,100-strong AU mission force in the Horn of Africa country to about 8,000, AU Commission Chairman Jean Ping said.

Somalia has had no effective central government for 19 years and although the administration of President Ahmed has the backing of the United Nations and AU, he faces a stubborn insurgency from the insurgent groups.





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