
Two refugees shot dead during riots at Kenya camp

daadabTwo refugees were shot dead and 12 injured at the Dadaab Refugee camp on Thursday evening after a riot broke out.

The refugees had attacked officials from the Department of Refugee Affairs (DRA) who, in company of some Administration Police officers, had gone to demolish structures built on the road reserve leading to the relief distribution centres.

The refugees claimed that the officials demolished a mosque before they mobilised and charged at the officials.

The officials retreated to the Dahagaley AP post and called for reinforcement from the Ifo and Dadaab Police stations when the surging mob threatened to invade the police post.

Another fierce confrontation ensued and the two were shot dead.

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesperson Emmanuel Nyabera said that the situation had been contained though there was still tension.




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Abdullahi Mu'min is the Editor in Chief of and a Contributor to Wargelin Show. Mu'min is a Young and talented Somali Journalist.
Category : Latest Somali News.
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