
George W Bush joins Facebook


Former US President George W Bush has joined social networking site Facebook, although is clearly not writing his own updates

George W Bush now has a Facebook account. “Liked” by more than 60,000 people within a day of it being set up, the profile contains two pictures, both of which have already attracted several hundred comments, negative and positive.
Although the whole profile has also attracted a huge amount of engagement, Mr Bush has yet to respond to any comments, however.

The former American President’s updates are written in the third person, suggesting that they are written by an aide, as is the case with President Obama’s use of social media. An account at has also been created, mirroring the Facebook site’s updates. Bush spokesman David Sherzer, however, told the AFP news agency that the account was unofficial and that the former president had no future plans to “tweet”.
Mr Bush’s first status update read “Since leaving office, President Bush has remained active. He has visited 20 states and 8 countries; given over 65 speeches; launched the George W. Bush Presidential Center; participated in 4 policy conferences through The Bush Institute; finished the first draft of his memoir, “Decision Points”; and partnered with President Clinton to establish the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. More on his activities in future posts…” The site also includes a link to pre-order Mr Bush’s forthcoming memoir.
Mr Bush’s first use of social media comes a month after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said that former Cuban President Fidel Castro and Bolivian leader Evo Morales should join him on Twitter.




About sayfudiin Abdalle

Am A Somali Journalist current live and study in Malaysia Southeast Asia.
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