Monthly Archives: October 2014

VIDEO: Sahro Mollim, 21 Year Old Somali Immigrant Masters Handmade Pasta in America

CHICAGO (WLS) — Making pasta by hand is a skill either learned over many years or passed down from generations of Italian cooks. But ABC7’s Steve Dolinsky says some of the best handmade pasta in Chicago is being produced by … read more »

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Charcoal and terrorism in Somalia

The unlikely link between Gulf lounges and Somalia’s jihadists The cafés on Abu Dhabi’s seafront fill as soon as the sun sets and the heat abates. Men gather around water pipes, smoking tobacco flavoured with melon, berry or perhaps even … read more »

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Askar takes on 40-year incumbent Kahn

The votes of the Somali community will play a big role in the upcoming election for House District 60B. On Election Day, Abdimalik Askar is hoping to topple a candidate who has served more than 40 years in office. State … read more »

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Minneapolis could be the first with a sister city in Somalia

If City Council approves, it would be a first for any U.S. city. Somali leaders in Minneapolis will ask the City Council this week to consider adding a Somali community to its list of sister cities — a move that would be … read more »

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UN in Somalia welcomes recovery of port city from insurgents

United Nations — The top United Nations official in Somalia today welcomed the recovery of the port city Barawe from Al-Shabaab fighters, the first time it has been in Somali control for more than two decades. “I encourage any remaining … read more »

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Somalis alienated from Norwegian job market

A growing number of Somali immigrants are feeling humiliated by The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), a new report shows.Independent research foundation Fafo’s study (in Norwegian) NAV’s treatment of this group has a negative effect on their trust in … read more »

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How ATMs have taken over the world

Somalia’s first ever ATM machine was unveiled in Mogadishu this week, a major step for a country that has struggled with instability and war. “I have been staying in Mogadishu for longer than I originally planned so I ran out … read more »

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Wargelin Show: Magaalada Baraawe oo Shabaab laga saaray

Bookings & Business Inquiries: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Vlog Channel: Official Wargelin Show Website:

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Safia Haase, First Immigrant Woman To Receive Norway’s Prestigious Order Of St Olav

A Somali-born campaigner against female genital mutilation (FGM), Safia Abdi Haase, has become the first immigrant woman to receive Norway’s prestigious order of St Olav. Ms Haase was given the order at the Royal Palace in Oslo for her work … read more »

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In Hunt for Funds, Somalia Found Trouble

War-Torn Nation Enlisted U.S. Law Firm to Recover Overseas Assets, but Corruption Allegations, Resignations Followed When Somalia’s government wanted to rebuild the country’s war-shattered economy in 2009, it hired lawyers to recover what it believed was more than $100 million … read more »

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Dowladda Soomaaliya oo la waregtay saldhiggii ugu wayna Al-Shabaab ee magaalada Barawe

Barawe (Bartamaha) Ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM ayaa la wareegay gacan ku haynta magaalada Barawe oo ah meshii ugu dambeysay ee ay ugu xoogga badnaayeen Al-shabaab. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Shabeellaha hoose Cabdiqaadir Maxamed Nuur Siidii ayaa si rasmi ah u xaqiijiyey in … read more »

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Somali troops capture key port town from al-Shabab

Barawe (BARTAMAHA) Somali government troops along with the peace-keeping African Union alias are confirmed to have seized Middle Shabelle’s port town of Barawe, the biggest stronghold of Al-shabab militants today after launching heavy onslaught on the militants who had been controlling … read more »

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Wargelin Show Oct 3 – 9 Hodan Naleye, Haloo Gurmado Gabar Yar oo Kansar Qabta, Kuala Lampur

Barnaamijka Wargelin Show, waa Barnaamij Todobaadle ah oo aad u xiisa badan, kaasi oo mar walba looga hadlo waxyaabaha muhiimka ee Soomaalida quseeya. Todobaadkan waxaa barnaamijku ku saabsan yahay wareysi aanu la yeelanay gabadha wariyaha Somali-Canadian-ka ah ee Hodan Naleyeh, Waxaan kaloo … read more »

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Somali Port Workers Protest Turkish Firm Take-Over of Port

Since Turkish company Albayrak took over management of the Port of Mogadishu on September 21st, port workers say they are concerned that their pay will be decreased by more than 70% and that their employment at the port is uncertain. “Before this … read more »

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Somali-American Gets 30 Years for Christmas Bomb Plot

VOA — A Somali-American man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for plotting to bomb a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony in the western U.S. state of Oregon nearly four years ago. Mohamed Osman Mohamud was arrested in November 2010, … read more »

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Islamist Terror Group Recruits Members With $50 And A Cell Phone, Study Finds

The typical terrorist in Somalia was recruited when he was young, poor and afraid. In some cases, he just wanted $50 and a cell phone. These are the findings of a new study published this week by the Institute for … read more »

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