What the audience said about AMBAD
Minneapolis Night (2)
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What the audience said about AMBAD
Minneapolis Night (1 - Premiere night)
Watch - Daawo
The Director
Abdisalam Aato (Photos)
What the audience said about AMBAD
Minneapolis Night (1) - Premiere night
Watch - Daawo
What the audience said about AMBAD
Columbus Night (1) - Premiere night
Watch - Daawo
Abdirahman Jaahweyn of Somali Tv Minneapolis interviews Abdisalam Aato (The Director of AMBAD)
Watch - Daawo
KFAI FM Minneapolis - Interviews Ambad Stars and the Director
Watch - Daawo
Waraysi ay VOA la yeelatay Cabdisalam Caato
Qeybta 1aad - Qeybta 2aad
WCRS 102.1 FM - 98.3 FM interview of Abdisalam Aato (Director of AMBAD)
Listen - Dhagayso

Dareen (Music Video)
by Zeinab Labadhagax - Music by Karaama
Watch - Daawo
Shankaroon (Music Video)
by Zeinab Labadhagax - Music by Karaama
Watch - Daawo
BLOOPERS (Harka labadiisa galin)
Sometimes it gets funnier by the take
Watch - Daawo
Yasmin Ahmed (Actress) Describes her role in AMBAD
Watch - Daawo